And I don’t mean that in a clever way. I don’t mean a “war of words”; I don’t mean a disagreement between the left and the right, the old and the new. And I don’t mean the spiritual war that your pastor is always talking about, between the forces of good and evil, or the “powers that be.”
Actually, maybe I do mean a spiritual war. Because any way you look at it, something isn’t right here. Something that needs good people to stand up and do something about it.
But I also mean the kind of war that uses guns. Hate. Molotov Cocktails. Torture. Rape. Displaced children. Missing persons. Homes torn apart. Young boys forced to become soldiers in an army that is ironically, purposefully called the “Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).”
Young boys forced to slaughter their own families.
This is the war I’m talking about. This is the war that is happening in Africa right now, as you read this, as I write this.
If you haven’t heard of Invisible Children, you need to.
In short, they are the ones who are actively, restlessly, passionately working to undo this wounding, scratching, screaming, tear- and blood-soaked war. They are the ones who are calling the soldiers to lay down their guns and come home—telling these soldiers that the open arms of family and community are still here, that an education is possible, that peace can actually happen in this world, in their world.
And, if it helps, here are 85 reasons that Invisible Children does precisely what they do:
On August 4 of this year, a 16-year old boy
defected from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), ultimately arriving in safety
in Nzako, Central African Republic (CAR).
On August 9, 13 women and children were released
from the LRA.
The next day, 33 more women and children were
released in Digba, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
On August 27, 12 men, women, and children
escaped from the LRA in the Bili-Ango-Digba Triangle, DRC, during a reported
clash between the LRA and Congolese security forces.
On September 2, 26 women and children were
released from the LRA near Kiliwa, DRC.
This comes to an unprecedented 85 escapees/returnees from
the LRA, in a matter of only 28 days.
In 28 days, 85
men, women, and children got their lives back.
In 28 days, 85
men, women, and children got another chance at happiness and normality.
In 28 days, 85
men, women, and children got to take their hands and use them for peace instead
of for destruction.
In 28 days, with our help—that is, with yours and mine and your friends’ and my friends’ and even
the people we don’t know or like—imagine how many more reasons
Invisible Children will have to keep up the fight, to undo the hurt, to show
the wounded that they still have a home.
What have you accomplished in the last 28 days? More importantly, what can you
accomplish in the next 28 days?
Invisible Children is—quite literally—changing the course of
the world.
Invisible Children is—quite literally—introducing hope where
there is none.
Who wouldn’t want
to be a part of that?
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